There is excitement n the air about Scent Work and Nose Work - but what’s it all about. BOSS can help you understand not only the sport but can help you become a team with your dog to enjoy the sport.

And there’s a lot more to this sport than you initially might think.

Advantages of Scent Work/Nose Work Training:

  • Improve Communications with your dog

  • Builds Confidence in shy or nervous dogs

  • Build stronger relationship with you Dog and become a team

  • Develop your dogs natural scenting skills for a purpose

What you will learn in our Introduction to Scent Work Class

  • Your and your dog will learn to work as a team

  • Develop alert behaviors with your dog

  • Your dog will learn to recognize and identify Birch and Clove odors

  • The goal is for you and your dog to work with confidence in identifying odors

  • Hides will include boxes

What you will learn in our Advanced Scent Work Class

  • Expand odor identification to include 5 odors

  • Expand search to more complex containers, interior searches and buried searches.

  • Simultaneous searches of multiple hides and odors